Bonds beyond Blood : A look at Manjummel Boys

Bonds beyond Blood : A look at Manjummel Boys

Vaali’s lyrics ‘Kanmani Anbodu Kadhalan’, from the movie Guna released 33 years ago, symbolized the guna or essence of –  Eros – romantic love. In Manjummel Boys, this divine love represents – Philia or Friendship. This alone, of all the loves, CS...
Can Trauma Make You Unlovable? A look Into Awe

Can Trauma Make You Unlovable? A look Into Awe

The movie ‘Awe’ is an intriguing tale about the cost of unexpressed anger and its potential to lead us down a dangerous road, inevitably costing our lives. The story begins by portraying Kali, a woman who seems to be on the verge of making the most important decision...