Cultural Highlights May 2024

Cultural Highlights May 2024

What Can We Learn from the Gen Zs? The Gen Z generation has been unfairly targeted as the generation that despises authority. Every generation experiences having young people rebel against older folk, and the older folk complain about the recklessness and carefree...
Cultural Highlights – April 2024

Cultural Highlights – April 2024

Why and how do we walk? Walking on the beach is bliss. People often express how they would love taking walks on the beach with their partners. It refreshes our mood, distracts us from the hassles of daily life, and helps us connect with each other. There is something...
Cultural Highlights March 2024

Cultural Highlights March 2024

Do we need to care for our bodies? To celebrate World Health Day 2024, the World Health Organization opted for a theme that goes like this: ‘My health, my right’. The WHO chose this theme to support the rights of every individual to have access to health services,...
Cultural Highlights – February 2023

Cultural Highlights – February 2023

What Strengths Do Women Have? Indra Nooyi, PespiCo’s CEO, is celebrated as the leader who revolutionised the company’s approach to success with her eye for innovation and capacity to be strategically decisive. Harvard Business Review featured an article focusing on...
Cultural Highlights January 2024

Cultural Highlights January 2024

1. Dopamine Dressing: Can a Fashion Trend Bring Joy? A popular fashion trend in 2022, called ‘Dopamine Dressing’, has come around in 2024. Dopamine dressing is essentially about the experience of dressing ourselves in clothes that make us feel good. It goes beyond the...