The movie Frozen is about two sisters – Elsa and Anna. Elsa has a power where she is able to turn everything to ice. She isolates herself because she is not able to control her power and is scared of hurting the people she loves. But through that she affects everything around her. Her sister Anna keeps trying to reach out to her.


Right through the movie, we see different types of love being expressed.



In the beginning, we see young Elsa trying to love her sister Anna by protecting her from herself. She decides to isolate herself from Anna because she believes that she will harm her if she interacts with her. But this unhealthy idea of love just makes the situation worse. Anna feels rejected, is left with a lot of unanswered questions, and has to go through life without her sister by her side. Not only does this affect Anna, but it also affects Elsa, who because she has closed herself from others around, has hardened her own heart.


We then see another love in the form of Hans, a young prince who sweeps Anna off her feet with his charming ways, but with a love that has selfish motives, a love that uses the other to achieve one’s own goals.And complementing that, a naïve love from the side of Anna. She believes that because Hans understands her, and helps her in her time of need, it is true love. But we see that when the rubber hits the road, and a conflicting situation arises, Hans chooses his own interests over Anna.


We then see Kristoff, a rugged young man who doesn’t really like people. Although Anna and his relationship starts rough, Kristoff slowly grows to love Anna. But he feels that he is inadequate and doesn’t have the courage to express his love for her. He lets her go, believing that he is making the right decision for her.


But finally, we see true love expressed between the sisters. Anna is willing to sacrifice her life for her sister. And that sacrificial act, truly brings life – ‘Only a true act of love can thaw a frozen heart’. Not only does this physically thaw Anna’s heart, but also thaws Elsa’s frozen heart. That act of true love helps Elsa to find a way out. She is able to find the solution to unfreeze Arendelle by turning her fear into love.


There’s a verse in the bible that says, There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15: 13). And that is exactly how Jesus’ showed his love for us. He sacrificed his life so that we could live. True love is transforming. It changes us and changes the people around us. It calls us to persevere with the people in our lives – to be committed and to love unconditionally and sacrificially. In the words of Olaf, “Love is putting someone else’s needs before yours.”



Priyanka George

Life Focus Society

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